Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Woo-Hoo! I Finished (Sort of)

So, once upon a time, I actually did finish something (despite the title of this here blog). It was my Master's Thesis, a novella entitled Swim. And over the 2 1/2 years since then, I've attempted to rewrite it into a novel several times. Now, with a little help from my trusty writing group (Harwell, The Tongs, and Pyles of Various Things) I think I'm on my way. And to keep myself moving forward instead of constantly looking backward and rewriting / editing, I'm going to post every chapter, as it's finished, over on The Works (see links list). Which means you can read the next NY Times bestseller - as it's being written! (OK, I'd settle for getting it published. Worry about the Times later). So go there now! Read! I'll wait....

Back? Good. Did you like it? Did you leave a comment? Much appreciated if you did. (even if you said it sucked). In other news... now that I've completed the Top Five Stupidest Students list, there'll be some non-Top Five posts. And I'm thinking of doing another one, too. Torn between Top Five Most Annoying Roommates and Top Five Dumbest Things I've Ever Done With Women. On a related note - over on Stinky and the Bean (see links), I've begun a Top Five Dumbest Things I've Done Since Meeting The Wife (and she still hasn't left me) list, in honor of our upcoming 2nd wedding anniversary. Good reading, funny shit, though slightly less sophomoric and dirty than my usual (S&B is my family friendly blog). Check it out.

And any reader suggestions / contributions on Top Fives are more than welcome.

Later on... posts on God-related billboards, the Lost entertainment strategy, and possibly something making fun of Schlotman.


Monday, June 19, 2006

Top Five #1 - The Mexican Slave Trade

     And finally, here it is.  #1.  The stupidest thing a student has ever done.  One so dumb even his classmates still talk about it.

     The Mexicans.

     I had a sophomore, let’s call him Dave.  Dave was not the sharpest tool in the shed but was a decent kid.  Didn’t do much work, talked too much, but never did anything wrong maliciously.  When he got in trouble, it wasn’t the ‘I wish I was allowed to beat students’ kind of trouble.  It was the ‘bang my head against the blackboard because no one can really be that dense’ kind of trouble.

     Enter Ben Franklin.

     Franklin, you see, was an anal son of a gun.  He believed that there wasn’t anything he couldn’t accomplish, provided he had a plan.  So Franklin spent most of his time making up plans and schedules and lists for how he was going to accomplish things (based on the number of plans and lists and whatnot, I’m amazed he had the time to become the great man he was).  One such list detailed his plans for becoming “perfect”.   He had thirteen virtues he believed a man needed in order to achieve perfection.  And so he planned to work on these virtues, one at a time, until he had mastered each.  A noble goal, I thought.  Hell, even me – Mr. Anti Anal – can see the logic behind his plan.

     So, I turned it into an assignment for the class.  “Everyone take out a piece of paper,” I instructed.  “What I want you to do is follow Franklin’s example.  Choose a goal, something you want to become or achieve in your life.  For example, Jack (he of the stapled nipple), you play football, right?”  Jack nodded.  “What position?”

     “Third string bench warmer,” one of the other kids yelled out

     “OK,” I said, taking the ball and running with it.  “So, let’s say your goal is to become the first string bench warmer.”  The class laughed.  Jack seemed less than amused.  I made a mental note to give him some alone time with the stapler to make up for it.  “What I want you to do is come up with a list of thirteen things, thirteen steps you would need to follow to achieve that goal.  Got it?”

     “Our goal can be anything?”  Dave asked.

     A wise man (something I never claimed to be) would have known he was in trouble right then and there.  “Sure,” I said.  “As long as it isn’t something you’d get in trouble for.  Your goal should not be to smoke the most pot of anyone in your graduating class”

     You laugh – I had  a senior who declared one of his three life goals was to smoke himself retarded.  By unanimous vote, his class agreed that he already had.

     So I left Dave and Jack and the rest of them to their work.  I gave the last half an hour of class time to finish the assignment and hand it in.  Once they had left, I collected them all in a pile and set to grading them.
     Perhaps I should have been worried when I came upon this piece of brilliance, penned by Rod, one of Dave and Jack’s classmates:

“I want to someday crap the biggest tird known to man.  So that someday my kids can tell their kids and then their kids about their grandpa who had the biggest tird ever.”

His spelling, not mine.  His punctuation, not mine.

     His steps to achieving this goal included eating “mucho” Taco Bell and “lots and lots” of cabbage.  

     And this wasn’t  the dumbest.

     That honor was reserved for Dave.   Dave’s goal was slightly ore ambitious.  He wanted to own the best landscaping service in the Tri-State.  It was his steps to reaching his goal that got him in trouble.  Primarily, his first step: “Keep Costs down.  Use cheap labor.  Hire a bunch of Mexicans.”

     Slamming Head Against Board

     Now, while what he said was (arguably) funny and (arguably) true, it also didn’t fit with the spirit and morals of our fine Catholic institution.  And certainly wasn’t the kind of thing I could just smirk at and ignore.  I had no choice but to give him a zero and a scolding note telling him that such “racist language was simply unacceptable in my classroom.”  And that could’ve been the end of it.

     But it wasn’t.

     Dave, you see, was struggling to pass for the quarter.  And he needed every grade he could get.  So, he argued.  His point wasn’t simply that what he had written wasn’t racist. No, he took a much different tact…

     “It’s not racist!” he cried, in front of the entire class.  “It’s true!  I’ve got a landscaping magazine at home.  And you think I’m racist?  There’s an ad in the back of the magazine.  There’s a guy selling Mexicans in Arizona.  Five for a hundred bucks!”

     “Dave, you’re missing the point-”

     “I’ll bring it in,” he said.  “That guy is way worse than me.”

     The idea that his “defense” was like comparing Stalin to Hitler didn’t phase him.  And, true to his word, he did bring the magazine in.  And waved it in my face over and over again.  Until he realized one salient fact:

     “Wait,” he said.  “Did that grade count for this quarter or last?”

     “Last,” I said.  We were two weeks into the new quarter.

     “Oh,” he said.  “Never mind.”

     And he sat down.  And never mentioned it again.

     And somewhere, some dude is selling five-for-a-hundred Mexicans.  And Dave is socking away his money, following his step-by-step plan.

     Ben Franklin must be so proud.

An Update - Part Deux (UPDATED!)

Just to let everyone know, there's an update to Stinky and the Bean (see links to the right) about how I almost blinded my kid this morning.

And movie - X3 12:05 tomorrow at Springdale Theater? Who is in? I have no numbers to call because I'm stupid and lost them!

OUT (again)

An Update

OK... I'll try to make this one more grammatically correct than the last go round. A quick update, though I hope to have something more substantial later today. Job interviews went so-so. NKU only has one opening in their schedule and while they would "love" to hire me, they're just not sure it'll work out. And the other place, Northwood University, called me on the phone, basically interviewed me, had me come in and fill out the paperwork new hires fill out (withholding and the like) and then said they'd be in touch. They work out of a business park. I don't know what to think about them. Guess we'll find out this week.

So, Schloto-monster doesn't want to step up and debate me? "I'm politiced out". Well isn't that just like a righty? Give 'em a chance to actually defend their whacked out view points and they've got nothing.

And as for the movie... I'm thinking tomorrow. Springdale theater (the one on Route 4). Early afternoon show. I'll be more specific later. Once I make sure I'll actually be able to go.