Friday, June 02, 2006

Last Day

I know I said today would be about dating the bisexual, but as Harwell pointed out, talking about her could lead to bad things. So we'll save that for another day. Instead, let us celebrate that today is the last day of school!

No more rulers, no more books, no more of my dirty looks...

And in honor of that day, allow me to share one of the stupidest things I have ever seen...

My classroom is on the third floor, facing the front parking lot. One of my students, let's call him Bill, was sitting next to the windows. Bill's not a bad kid, a bit of a wise ass, and not always the brightest bulb in the lamp, but not bad. But on this day...

We working on Hamlet. Several of Bill's classmates were in front of the class acting out one of the scenes in the play. Periodically, I would stop and try to explain to them in layman's terms, what was going on (for example - "Suppose you came home and found your best friend buggering your mom on the couch, mere days after your father kicked the bucket. How would you feel?")

In the middle of "To be or not to be", Bill yells out the window.


Presumably, since I didn't look, on his buddies was in the parking lot.

Now Bill knows my class policy. Warning, the one detention, then two. Since he'd already left the room without permission that day = his warning, "DUUUUDE!" earned him a detention.

Moments after I told him he had DT...

Out the window: "Dude! You got me detention!"

That earned him two more DTs and me using him as an example forevermore as the single stupidest thing I have ever seen a student do.

Perhaps someday I'll share the tale of the student who plararized the same essay three times. Or perhaps that same students essay on how Abraham Lincoln stud for the black people.

I may need to start a teaching blog. Cause really? You can't make this shit up.



At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, young people. What I wouldn't give to be as blissfully tactless as that kid you describe.


That's priceless. But it's not bi-sexual. You must know I was only kidding when I was encouraging you not to share those stories. I do have a wiener after all...

Congrats on the last day of school. Time to beat up the incoming freshman.

At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to add to this that the stupidest thing I have ever seen in a student is this:

One day while teaching a 10th grade world history class on ancient Greece, a young lady asked me when the centaurs died out.

"Ummm...." I said.. "Ummm.... they're mythical. They never existed."

The girl said, and I swear I did not imagine this, "Yuh-huh, cause I saw it on Xenia."

She wasn't kidding. She was ANGRY because I laughed at her.

Even the kids at our school aren't THAT dumb.

But yes, hizzah for the end of the school year!!!


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