Thursday, May 25, 2006

Welcome, again!

See that post below (go ahead, scroll down, I'll wait.... you back?... good) Did you note the date? Yeah, that's right. I started something and never finished. Big surprise, I know. If I had a nickel for every project I started that just never got done... well... I'd be getting paid for a lot of unfinished crap. Which would make my life so much easier, you know, not having to work for $$ and all. But I digress...

So, I'm starting, again. This is one of many things I'm starting lately. Started a diet (Weight Watchers - the one with the points). Started using a machine to help me sleep and not die during the night. Started my dog at a new doggy day care. Started reading three or four books...

You sensing a pattern?

Most importantly, I've started thinking about my life and the fact that I'm getting old (I'm 31, though I shall, in my mind, remain 30 for eternity), that I'm an actual adult w / a kid and a wife and a career (God, I hope not) as a teacher, a mortgage, car loans, enough student loan debt to sink several ships, and lots of time to just think, and think, and think (and ask anyone who knows me - me + thinking = trouble). And all that thinking led me to one conclusion:

I'm waiting.

Waiting, you say? Waiting for what?

Life to come to me, that's what. It's a simple equation, even for someone as not-math-inclined as me. Just keep waiting for life to come to me + Never finish anything = Once life gets here, I'll still have lots of things to share with it. I won't have wasted anything.

Except time.

So... on the heels of that brilliant deduction, I decided to stop waiting because, really, waiting? Not working so much for me. (See above line about me + thinking).

So. Screw it. Not waiting, anymore. Throwing it all out there, for the world to see (or the four people who will read this). Hell, I'm even going to try and forget that part of my brain that makes me over-think and edit things four hundred times before I post because I can't possibly post something that ain't perfect.

So, here it is, World (or you four. Or five - I see you hiding in the back!). Can't promise it'll always be interesting. Or make sense. Or be good. But if you know me (and if you're reading this, I'm guessing you do), none of that will surprise you.

I'm out.


At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! New blog action! Thanks for adding another ten minutes to my daily ritual of procrastination. If you can just make sure to post really long pieces, then maybe we can bump that time up to 20 mins of procrastination and that will pretty much fill my day.

I'm counting on you. Don't let me down.

Okay, yeah, you can let me down, it's cool. I probably deserve it. Look how long filmslack lasted...(Still waiting for Pyles to step to the plate and take over there, by the way. Talk about a let down. That guy is the KING. And Greg is his queen. I'm just a lowly serf's jester. Not even good enough to be a royal jester. Can't even juggle.)

Anyway, I'm here to read your crap. So post away.

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Christian said...

I'll do my best to aid in your procrastination. Which, of course, will aid in my procrastination. So really, I'm helping you to help me.

Ain't I generous?


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