Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I'm baaaack...

OK, so a bit busy this week w / end of the school year grading and whatnot, so I apologize for not updating sooner. And as for today...

A new Wednesday tradition or two. First, my random list of what I'm reading / listenint to / watching.

On My Ipod:

Elvis - Suspicious Minds (one of his best)

Pink - Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely) - Off her new CD. Funny shit. Very relatable if you're married or cohabitate

Dixie Chicks - Lubbock or Leave It - Screw the politics. They can sing. And they ain't too hard on the eyes either

Jon Bon Jovi - Dyin Ain't Much of a Living (Young Guns II Soundtrack) - One thing you can say: for a boy from Jersey, he nailed that wsestern vibe

Books for the summer: Maltese Falcoln, In Cold Blood, Something Wicked This Way Comes, and, if I can get that far, the latest from Nick Hornby (High Fidelity)

Watching: Scrubs: Season 3 (best comedey on TV, X-Men III, and Snakes on a Plane (see below)

Also, a couple of links. One, is a new one over in the link list - the blog of a guy named Travis Evans. Funny shit (and I should know). The other is over there and here as well. The blog of a buddy of mine from work. Some funny stuff there as well. And, if he gets around to posting it, a list of possible sequels to Snakes on a Plane. Just be aware that if he uses Meerkats in a Miata, that's mine.

Ok, Harwell. Think I might have helped you procrastinate enough for today?



At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. Not even close.

Though I like the snakes on a plane sequel idea. More than snakes on a plane, in fact. I've discussed this elsewhere, but I've never before in my life heard of so many people giddy over a movie they EXPECT to suck. Interesting marketing strategy to say the very least.

At 9:59 AM, Blogger Christian said...

Well, at least if you expect the flick to suck, you won't be disapointed when it does.


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